Always sell or buy securities with the help of authorised stockbrokers. A Contract Note should accompany each transaction. There should be the broker's stamp along with the SEBI code number on the opposite side of the transfer deed.
If you are buying or selling shares, a stamp duty of a minimum of 0.25% market value has to be affixed on the transfer deed. You can get a clear idea about the share rate from any website or local newspaper.
If you are unsure as to why you should keep securities in joint names, know that this is advisable so that succession can be facilitated easily.
When you add the name of a family member, it will be considered as a "transfer" and therefore attracts stamp duty. You will have to use a regular transfer deed. You can get a blank transfer deed from your local stock exchange or stockbroker.
Yes, of course! If you have securities in physical form, you can easily nominate any person by using the SH-13 form. Also, you will have to register the same name with M/s Link Intime India Pvt Ltd. But in the case of securities that are held electronically, you will have to get in touch with a depository participant.
You will have to submit the attested copy of the death certificate for both the deceased holders. Also, make sure you submit the relevant documents and prescribed transmission form. There should be the signature of the survivors.
Yes, of course. But keep in mind that the transaction would be considered a normal transfer, and you will have to pay for the stamp duty. You will have to submit relevant documents such as the deceased person's death certificate and the transfer deed at the LIPL.
You will have to deliver all the certificates, the attested copy of the Succession Certificate or Letter of Administration. Also, do not forget to forward the prescribed transmission. The signature of the legal heir needs to be verified by the bank manager.
You will have to deliver all the certificates, the attested copy of the Succession Certificate or Letter of Administration. Also, do not forget to forward the prescribed transmission. The signature of the legal heir needs to be verified by the bank manager.
Yes, it is possible to do so. If you possess securities in physical form, you can put out the request to change the order of the names in the prescribed Transposition form. Get this form at the LIPL office. The signature of the joint holders is required.
Yes, you can amalgamate the accounts. If you have multiple folios having the same names, you must write to the LIPL. Also, make sure you submit relevant certificates (regarding the folios which have smaller holdings.) sending certificates relevant to larger holdings will be baseless in this case.
You can conveniently send these certificates along with a cover letter at the office of LIPL. But ensure that all these certificates belong to the same folio.
It is possible to open an account with a Depository Participant of your preference. You will be interacting with CDSL or NSDL. Be aware of the rates that will be levied from you by your DP. The DP will update the account after each and every transaction.
In order to dematerialise your holding, you will need to have an account with DP as per your choice. Then you have to hand over the DRF and relevant certificates to your DP. He will then further forward the request to LIPL. The CDSL/NSDL network reconfirms the same. Know that the process is about 15 to 20 days long.
It is possible to trade in electronic form through a depository. You need to coordinate with your broker as well as your DP. These transactions tend to be swift and simple. Know that the payments will be made just like in the case of physical certificates. The securities that you buy in the electronic form are a credit to your account in 24 business hours.
Yes. As per the existing guidelines, it is possible to reconvert the electronic holding of an investor into physical form by taking the help of the DP. When the Company receives the re-materialisation requests in addition to the RRF form, it will issue fresh certificates to the investor.
Any alteration in the specimen signature needs to be intimated to LIPL without any delay. This enables the mailing of the relevant forms. Know that this process is applicable only to the holders of physical forms. In case you want to know about the details of securities held in electronic form, you need to connect with your depository participant.
You need to send a letter duly signed to the LIPL. The letter should contain the new address as well as the Folio numbers. There has to be proof of new address, such as ration card, passport, Aadhar card etc. You will get a computerised confirmation at your new address.
You need to inform the LIPL immediately about the theft of certificates. You will also have to share details such as folio numbers and distinctive numbers. You can file a complaint at the nearest police station as well. Then simply send a copy of the FIR to the LIPL.
You will get the warrant as a mail at your address. Also, they can post the warrant directly to your bank. You can also get the due amount credited to your bank electronically.
RBI introduced the ECS or Electronic Clearing Service for the investors. The ECS feature facilitates electronic credit of the interest directly to your bank account. The instant credit system has made it quite popular among investors. The facility is available in some of the major cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi etc. It also has features like an optional scheme which make ECS all
If you wish to avail of an ECS facility, you will have to write to LIPL focusing on details like folio number, address and name of the bank branch, the 9-digit code of the bank branch etc.
Yes, you can! But make sure that the amount has not been transferred to the IEPF. You can mail the outdated instrument to LIPL and request them to issue a fresh instrument.
According to the Companies Act, 2013, all the unclaimed and unpaid dividends will have to be transferred to the Investors Education and Protection Fund after a period of 7 years.
All you need to do is to send your old certificates plus the computer-printed intimation or a cover letter signed by the holder to LIPL. You will soon get the new certificates via mail.
You are required to write to LIPL and share a few details with them. You need to mention the reason behind the change of your name. Also, furnish proofs like marriage certificate, gazette publication, birth certificate and so on. Also, mention the name of the companies where you hold shares. Other details which you need to share are folio number, details of old and new names, etc.
Purchase or sell securities only through authorized stockbrokers duly registered with Stock Exchanges. Ensure that you receive a Contract Note for all transactions. The broker's stamp with the SEBI registration/Code number should be affixed on the reverse of the transfer deed(s). For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
For Shares, stamp duty @0.25% of the market value or the consideration amount (whichever is higher) should be affixed on the transfer deed. The rate per share can be picked up from any newspaper or website of the stock exchanges (i.e. NSE or BSE). The date for which the rate is picked up must be the same as the execution date mentioned on the transfer deed. Special note: With effect from July 1, 2002, for transactions in physical form, the Government of Maharashtra has banned the sale and use of share transfer stamps. The Government has started putting their stamp by using franking machine at the Stamp Offices. For transactions executed in Maharashtra, instead of affixing share transfer Stamps, stamp duty @0.25% of the market value or the consideration amount (whichever is higher) should be franked on the transfer deed. Electronic transactions do not attract any stamp duty; however each Depository Participant may levy a transaction charge. The rate should be confirmed with your depository participant beforehand.
It is advisable to register securities in joint names in order to facilitate Succession.
Addition of the name of a joint holder, even a family member, is considered a "Transfer" and attracts stamp duty. A regular transfer deed would be required to be executed. Blank transfer deeds would be available with your local stockbroker / stock exchange. (Please refer question no.2 for stamp duty payable.) For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Yes. For securities held in physical form, you may nominate a person by completing Form SH-13 and registering the same with M/s. Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. (“LIPL”). For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant. Important points to note • Always include your complete address along with pin code while filling in the transfer deed / opening an account with a depository participant. • Keep photocopies of certificates, transfer deeds and other documents sent by post to LIPL In case of a loss in transit, they come handy.
Please submit an attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased holder along with the relevant certificates and the prescribed transmission form available with LIPLduly completed and signed by the survivors, as per the specimen signatures registered with LIPL) so that the name of the deceased can be deleted from the Company's records as well as from the certificates. Attestation on the death certificate should be done by a Notary Public/Bank Manager under his official seal stating full name, address, and registration no. (in case of notary public) and full name, designation with name and address of bank (in case of bank manager). For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Yes, but the transaction would be treated like a normal transfer and would attract stamp duty. An attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased holder along with the relevant certificates and duly completed transfer deed should be submitted to LIPL. (Please refer to the second question under the header 'On Transfers' for stamp duty payable.) Attestation on the death certificate should be done by a Notary Public/Bank Manager under his official seal, stating full name, address and registration no. (in case of notary public) and full name , designation with name and address of bank (in case of bank manager). For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Please submit the certificates along with the attested copy of the Succession Certificate or Probate of Will or Letter of Administration obtained in respect of the sole holding. You are also required to forward the prescribed transmission form available with LIPL, duly completed and signed by the legal heir(s)/executor(s) whose signature(s) should be verified by his/their bank manager under his official seal stating his full name, designation with name and address of the bank. Attestation on the legal document should be done by a Notary Public under his official seal stating full name, address and registration no. In case you do not have any such form of Legal Representation, please write to LIPL for further advice. Dependent upon the type and size of holding, certain documentation may be required for transmission of securities in favor of the legal heirs. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Yes. For securities held in physical form, the request for change in the order of names of registered holders should be made in the prescribed Transposition form available at the offices of LIPL. The form is to be signed by all the joint holders and submitted along with the certificates. In case you wish to interchange the order of the names for demat purposes, the form OA (available with your Depository Participant) may be duly completed in the desired order of names and submitted to them with the Dematerialisation Request Form and the certificates. Note: You can transpose full or part of the holdings. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Yes, you can. If you have more than one folio with identical names and in the same order, please write to LIPL along with the certificates pertaining to the folio having the smaller holdings. Do not send the certificates pertaining to the larger holdings, in which account the multiple folio is being amalgamated. Prescribed amalgamation forms are available at all offices of LIPL. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Please send the certificates, provided they are under the same folio, along with a covering letter to LIPL. If they are not under the same folio, but have the same order of names; please follow the procedure mentioned for amalgamation of the accounts to facilitate consolidation into marketable lots/ single certificate.
You may open an account with a Depository Participant (DP) of your choice. As an investor you will interact with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) or Central Depository Services Ltd. (CDSL) through your Depository Participant) Your DP will allot you an account number which will serve as a reference for all your future dealings with them. It may be advisable to be aware of the rates that will be charged to you by your DP for various activities. Your DP will update your account after each transaction, and would periodically furnish you with a statement of holding. You may verify this with your DP at the time of opening your electronic account.
• To dematerialize your holding, you should first have an account with a DP of your choice. • You may then hand-over to your DP, the certificates along with the \'Dematerialisation Request Form\' (DRF). • Only the securities registered in your name can be submitted for dematerialization (name on the security certificate and the demat account should be the same and in case of joint holding, it should be in the same order of names). • Your DP will then send the DRF and the certificates to LIPL and an electronic request will also be sent through the NSDL/CDSL network reconfirming the same. • LIPL will verify the documents and if found in order, the dematerialization request will be confirmed to NSDL/CDSL who will in turn inform your DP. • In the books of the Company, your folio with LIPL will be debited and the account of NSDL/CDSL will be credited in respect of such dematerialized securities. • NSDL/CDSL in their electronic records will credit the account of your DP. • Your DP will then credit your account with the number of securities that have been dematerialized and the securities will thereafter be held in electronic form. This process would take approximately 15-20 days. Yes, all the corporate benefits such as dividend, interest, bonus shares and rights shares will be issued by LIPL to the beneficial owners i.e. the accountholders who hold the securities in electronic form. The dividend/interest amounts as and when declared/paid will be sent to you/your bankers directly. The entitlement of rights and bonus shares/debentures wherever applicable, will be credited to the beneficiaries account as per the investors\' option and the terms of the issue.
You may buy and sell securities in electronic form through the depository by coordinating with your broker and your DP. Such transactions would be simpler and faster. Payments for such transactions would be made in the same way as is done for physical certificates. Securities purchased in electronic form are credited to your account on the very next day of payout with no formalities of filling transfer deeds or applying to the Company for registration. All such transactions are exempt from stamp duty and accordingly no share transfer stamps are required to be affixed. Such transactions are not routed through the Company and the debit/credit takes place directly in the Depository System. However, corporate benefits would be paid to the person holding such securities on the Record date/ Book closure date as applicable.
As per the existing guidelines, an investor can choose to reconvert his / her electronic holding into physical form at any time through his / her DP. On receipt of the rematerialisation request along with the 'Remat Request Form' (RRF) the Company will issue fresh certificates.
Any change in the specimen signature should be intimated to LIPL immediately to enable mailing of the required forms. This is applicable only for holdings in physical form. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
A letter duly signed by the first holder stating the new address and all the Folio Nos. must be sent to LIPL along with any proof of new address (like Passport, Ration Card, Adhar Card, Utility Bill). You must ensure that the signature of the first holder is as per the specimen signature recorded with LIPL. A computerized acknowledgement will be sent to your new address confirming the updation of the change in our records. In case you have dematerialized your holdings, please write to your DP immediately and ensure that you receive a confirmation of them having noted your new address.
Please immediately intimate LIPL regarding loss of certificates, giving details of folio number and distinctive numbers. It is advisable to lodge a complaint with the local Police Station. Kindly send LIPL an acknowledged copy of the Complaint/ FIR for advice on the further course of action. You should state: • Name of the Company in which you hold securities. • Your full name and address, as recorded with LIPL. • The distinctive number(s) of the certificate(s) that is/are missing. If you do not know the number(s) of the missing certificate(s) please provide the number(s) of the certificates still in your possession. Please also state if the certificate(s) is/are lost or stolen. If the certificate(s) is/ are stolen, we will require the F.I.R as issued by the Police. Your letter must be signed by at least one of the holders. We will send you the documents to be executed for issue of duplicate certificates. In case you trace your certificates, please inform LIPL immediately so as to avoid any complexity/delay in future transactions.
The ways to receive the corporate benefits i.e. dividend / interest are listed below: • The warrant can be mailed to your address as recorded with us or to the address as downloaded to LIPL by your Depository Participant. • The warrant can be posted directly to your bankers if a mandate instruction is registered with us, for physical holding only. • The net amount due to you can be credited electronically to your bank account based on the ECS instructions submitted to LIPL for physical holdings, and downloaded to LIPL by your Depository Participant for electronic holdings. Please ensure that the bank account details provided is correct and complete to avoid delay in credit.
Reserve Bank of India has introduced the Electronic Clearing Service which allows electronic credit of the dividend /interest amount to your bank account for the amount due to you. The salient features are: • Instant credit - This Facility provides instant credit of dividend/interest amount to your bank account electronically at no extra cost. ECS also eliminates the delay in postal transit and fraudulent encashment of warrants. • Optional Scheme - This scheme is optional Coverage - ECS is presently available in major cities / Centre like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune. RBI has been extending this facility to various centers from time to time. • Procedure for credit - Under this facility the amount of dividend / interest payable to you would be directly credited to your bank account. Your bank branch will credit your account and indicate the credit entry as 'ECS' transaction in your passbook/ statement of account. In case ECS facility is not made available to you by the Company / their Bankers at a particular Centre or the amount payable to you exceeds Rs. 5,00,000, the dividend / interest amount due to you would be remitted by means of a dividend / interest warrant which would be posted to your address with the particulars of the bank/branch and account number furnished by you duly incorporated on it.
To avail of ECS facility (i.e. direct electronic credit to your bank account), please write to LIPL specifying the following details: a) Your Folio Number b) Name and address of the bank branch c) Account type and account Number. d) The 9 Digit code number of the bank and branch as appearing on the MICR cheque issued by the bank. This is applicable only for securities held in physical form. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your Depository Participant.
Yes. Provided the amount is not transferred to the Investors Education and Protection Fund (“IEPF”). Please mail the outdated instrument to LIPL to enable issue of a fresh instrument, if the amount reflects an outstanding status in the records of the company.
As per the Companies Act, 2013 all unclaimed and unpaid dividend maintained in the separate dividend account of the Company is to be transferred to the Investors Education and Protection Fund of the Central Government after the prescribed period of 7 years from the date of declaration or becoming payable. No investor can claim this amount thereafter from the Fund.
Please send the old certificates along with the computer- printed intimation sent to you earlier or a covering letter signed by the holders to LIPL. The new certificates will be mailed to you.